
February 6

I am so blessed to go to a church that is interested in reaching people. I was witness to over 100 people getting saved today and over 20 people getting baptized. Now, this doesn't happen every Sunday, but there hardly comes a Sunday that someone doesn't get saved or baptized, or has made the decision to join our church. We had Evangelist Tim Lee, a Vietnam vet, who lost both of his legs share his incredible testimony. It is exciting to be a part of a growing church and to see the lives of everyday people impacted for Jesus.

Today we went out to our favorite restaurant again (Shark Fin) and had some yummy chicken wraps. I discovered that there were water chesnuts in them. I have never noticed that before. I bought all of the stuff to try making them again. Looking forward to coming up with a version that is comparable to theirs :)

Unfortunately, since I have been so stressed out lately about our tax situation (mainly just not knowing what our tax situation actually is) I have been eating like crazy! Seriously, eating like crazy. Like gaining 6 pounds in one week. Not good when you carry your weight where your babies used to live :( So, to lessen the muffin top and hopefully avoid the most horrible question in the whole wide world -- "Are you expecting again?, when you are not expecting again, I am back on my Weight Watchers Plan. Starting tomorrow because I don't know how many points to count for Shark Fin! hahaha!

Pic of the day:

My sweet husband who happily rubbed my badly-in-need-of-a-pedicure feet all during the Superbowl :) He's so good to me :)


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