
January 9

Today was just a typical Sunday except I wasn't able to go to church. Jonathan took the boys and I stayed home with the girls so that we wouldn't spread the germs :) We went to lunch together at Shark Fin. Man, I love that place. I could eat there everyday! After that, we took the kids to Sam's again since I made my grocery list. (We went there yesterday, too, but I would not allow myself to buy anything without the *list*) We sampled a TON of stuff again and had to edit the said list, despite all my best efforts to stick to the budget. Ah well, what's life without turtle cheesecake anyway, right?

We splurged for a sitter for a while tonight so that we could go shopping for a new camera. How am I supposed to take a photo a day for a year without a decent camera? Now if only I could decide if I got the right one...

I didn't take many pictures today, just a few of the babies climbing the stairs. This one of my sweet Chloe Bug was the best one. She is making her little winkie face again :) I just love her to pieces.


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