
January 12

Today was very stressful! I was knee deep in taxes and business paperwork so I didn't have a lot of time to play :(
Boo! I am still trying to figure out how to work the features on this camera - like video for one! I missed out on catching Chloe taking several of her first steps today! I have to buy a Class 10 SD card in order for this camera to be able to record movies. I know crawling is about to be a thing of the past for Chloe and I will regret it if I don't get a card in time to record those sweet moments! In my quest to unwind after the kids went to bed tonight and still be productive, I continued trying to organize photo and video folders on the computer. Looking through those older but still fairly recents pics and videos made me realize how fast the twins have grown and how quickly time flies by! I can't believe how much they have changed my life in the last 16 months. They are so precious and it is a pure joy to have these beautiful little girls in my life. My last baby is about to be walking!

Here are a couple of pictures of the girls from tonight after we got home from church. Chloe's got skills when it comes to making a poochee lip and Claire is calm as can be, just taking it all in as usual. What sweet girls!


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