
May 1

Today was just as good as yesterday, even though it wasn't officially the "family vacation day".

We went to church this morning and then we went to Foley to look at travel trailers and tents. After we left the river yesterday, we decided to check out their campgrounds. They were so nice and there were kids everywhere. They had a playground right in the center of the campgrounds. My kids would love that! They were begging to get out of the car and play with all the other kids just in the few minutes we spent driving around and checking things out. Each campsite had power and water hookups, their own picnic table and a place to make a fire. Sounds exciting right? Like you wanna go camping, huh? For those of you that read my blog and know me in real life, know that it is not like me to even consider the idea of camping. What, with all the bugs, sweat and lack of modern conveniences? What's become of me and the girl I used to be? haha! Well, don't you worry, I may not be able to wear my high heels at the campground, but I did wear them while we shopped for the campground stuff :)

We ended up getting lucky at the Coleman outlet, and they were having a truckload sale. We stocked up on basic camping necessities, like a tent, a screen cover gazebo thingie, and a Cook-it-Five-different-ways-with-propane cooker thingamajig, and about 14 or so marshmallow/hot dog metal roaster sticks. Here's the real deal: I used to go camping when I was *very* little girl, and I remember that it was always so much fun. I want to try to go again, now that I am older, because I can see benefit in the family time aspect of it. Hopefully, it will be a time for me and my family to reconnect on a level that we might not be able to amidst all of the conveniences of our modern lives. End rant :) You know I'll let you know how it goes when we try it in real life and not my dream world of perfect kids and proper hygiene. haha!

So we are about to go put up our tent, build a fire and make smores in the backyard with the kids because we  are even more excited than they are!

I did this double page spread of all of us at the river yesterday! Hope you like it!
You should definitely click on this to see it larger in a new window. This piddly preview just doesn't do it justice!  I used Tiffany Tillman's Summer Templates to create this layout and the papers are from Katie Pertiet.


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