
A Song for the Devil...

In our Bible Study this week, we were talking about being a winner. How as Christians we are winners because we are triumphant in the Lord. No matter what comes our way, we know everything is going to work out in the end and we will be victorious because of what Christ is coming back to do. We also talked about bullies and peer pressure and then when I went to the tanning bed I heard a song by Taylor Swift called "Mean" and it made me think of the devil. How he's always so mean to us, and tries to hurt us, discourage us and find ways to pull us down the path of temptation. However, we have the power, through Christ (specifically the NAME of Christ) to reject the devils temptations, and to flee from the destructive power that he wants to have over us. In the end, we are going to be living in the big city, (Heaven) and he will not be able to hit us anymore.

Here's a link to the song/video with lyrics, but if for some reason it doesn't work for you, just go over there yourself and listen to this song and lyrics based on my perspective. I think it would be encouraging to you if you are struggling with a bully of your own :)

May 5

My pic of the day today is HYSTERICAL! When Jonathan and I pick at each other for something silly, we say "NERD ALERT".  I completely think that my glasses are super nerdy and I have about wearing them thanks to my sister picking on me when I was a little girl. She used to call me a four-eyed monkey geek. What are sisters for, right? Ha! So, what does that have to do with my hysterical picture of the day? My sister came over for some yummy hashbrown casserole for lunch today, and I was wearing my glasses. She took them off my head and put them on Chloe and it was so cute that we had to do it to Claire, too.What do you think?

I know they have crusty, dirty faces, and despite the fact that it was lunchtime, they are still not dressed. You don't have to point it out :) haha! Why is it that some of my most favorite pictures are like this?!

May 4

Today I am going to share my desktop background that I created for the Scraphic Design class I told yall about yesterday.

Well, do you love it as much as I do? The only thing it's missing is a picture of my hubby :( Poor guy! I do love him with all my heart, even if he was left out of the inspiration board. So now my challenge is to make something with the colors from the background. Sounds like fun? Absolutely! I have been playing on Adobe Kuler all night....

May 3

I am so excited about this new class that I started at Tiffany Tillman is the teacher and the class is more about designing. Right up my alley :) I have already watched all of the videos for the first week, and I can't wait to have some time (hopefully tonight) to start on the assignments. We are supposed to create a desktop background for our computer, which is something that I have always wanted to do. Today is more of the same blah blah blah housekeeping. laundry and catching up on schoolwork, and there's nothing blogworthy to tell you about so I will quit the finger flying on the keyboard and post a picture already. K? Great. Here it comes :)
Click to see larger in a new window :) This was made from a "Template Tuesday" freebie on Brenda, one of my Art of Digital Design classmates designed this one. Yay! Go Brenda, Go Brenda, Go Brenda! (She is now on my  class linky list if you want to see what else she's been up to.)

May 2

So it's Monday. Again. I hate Mondays. Mondays mean that it's 5 days from the weekend and I have to clean up from the weekend. Yuck :( Boo to you, Monday! But I do have some cute pictures from the strawberry farm to share. And I promise to post a layout from the strawberry picking tomorrow :) Do you think you can stand to wait another day for those? haha! Hope yall were responsible enough to do housekeeping over the weekend and Monday doesn't stink for you!

May 1

Today was just as good as yesterday, even though it wasn't officially the "family vacation day".

We went to church this morning and then we went to Foley to look at travel trailers and tents. After we left the river yesterday, we decided to check out their campgrounds. They were so nice and there were kids everywhere. They had a playground right in the center of the campgrounds. My kids would love that! They were begging to get out of the car and play with all the other kids just in the few minutes we spent driving around and checking things out. Each campsite had power and water hookups, their own picnic table and a place to make a fire. Sounds exciting right? Like you wanna go camping, huh? For those of you that read my blog and know me in real life, know that it is not like me to even consider the idea of camping. What, with all the bugs, sweat and lack of modern conveniences? What's become of me and the girl I used to be? haha! Well, don't you worry, I may not be able to wear my high heels at the campground, but I did wear them while we shopped for the campground stuff :)

We ended up getting lucky at the Coleman outlet, and they were having a truckload sale. We stocked up on basic camping necessities, like a tent, a screen cover gazebo thingie, and a Cook-it-Five-different-ways-with-propane cooker thingamajig, and about 14 or so marshmallow/hot dog metal roaster sticks. Here's the real deal: I used to go camping when I was *very* little girl, and I remember that it was always so much fun. I want to try to go again, now that I am older, because I can see benefit in the family time aspect of it. Hopefully, it will be a time for me and my family to reconnect on a level that we might not be able to amidst all of the conveniences of our modern lives. End rant :) You know I'll let you know how it goes when we try it in real life and not my dream world of perfect kids and proper hygiene. haha!

So we are about to go put up our tent, build a fire and make smores in the backyard with the kids because we  are even more excited than they are!

I did this double page spread of all of us at the river yesterday! Hope you like it!
You should definitely click on this to see it larger in a new window. This piddly preview just doesn't do it justice!  I used Tiffany Tillman's Summer Templates to create this layout and the papers are from Katie Pertiet.