
April 29

I have been spending way too much time on the computer lately, working on classes and stuff. But today, I promised myself not to get even turn it on until I had cleaned the bathroom, did all the laundry, held and snuggled my babies and took way too many pictures :) Ahhh! Sigh of relief. All that and then some.

Caleb and I made the famous Potato Soup for lunch together and I even cleaned the kitchen immediately afterwards. Woo hoo! We completed our schoolwork before noon, which has been nearly impossible for the last two weeks and we read together for a while.

When the babies laid down for their nap, I let Caleb and Kagen play in the waterhose and in the baby's pool. I got the Dawn dish detergent and squeezed nearly half the bottle out for them to have a cold bubble bath. They loved it!

I love how you can see the water spraying here!

You'd think I used the whole bottle of Dawn with all these bubbles.

Could it be any better to be a boy?

My cheeks hurt from laughing at these boys playing together today!


Yvonne Michelle said...

Added you to my Art of Digital Design blog roll. Please add back! :)

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