Church was really good this morning. Pastor started a new series of messages called "What If?". His message today was about finding your "chazown" in life. What figured out your chazown? What if we made all of our decisions based on our chazown? Are you dying to know what a "chazown" is? It's your purpose in life, people! Hmmm.... Very thought provoking stuff! There are so many responsibilities that we each have, as Christians, moms, wives, daughters, friends, leaders, etc. Knowing what your purpose in life can give you both direction and peace in your life in the midst of turmoil and chaos. Been there and done that. Cancer. Hurricanes. Pregnancies. Remodeling. New Business. Homeschooling. I could go on and on...but I won't. Because I've already talked all that out with my husband this afternoon and it's quite overwhelming! I hope you were able to hear this message!
Moving on....We went to the park this afternoon with the kiddos. They had such a great time running around and playing together. Kalyn even met a new friend so she was beyond thrilled! I got to walk around a bit and take some pictures to use as texture fills on the paper I am making for the Art of Digital Design class I am taking at Jessica Sprague. I am learning so much so fast in this class! Wish I had more time to play :(
I used one of Crystal Wilkerson's Quickpages to do this quick layout of everyone playing at the park this afternoon.
Click on the layout to view it larger in another window. |
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