I have been working very hard on printing and finalizing some of my digital layouts. Today, I made two new layouts, both of which are already printed! Yay! I used the FREE Tuesday Template for both of the layouts but ended up with completely different looks. I did splurge and spend one whole dollar today at Jessica Sprague's One Buck Wednesday Sale, and I got the Pinfeathers kit by Carina Gardner. Here's the layout I made with it.
Those little feet look familiar, don't they? It's because I already did something with them before :) |
Tonight for dinner, I was craving some form of the Chicken & Broccoli Braid recipe from Pampered Chef. It's been so long since I've made it that I couldn't remember what all was in it. I just experimented a little and got super lucky because EVERYONE loved it :) But then again, how could you go wrong with chicken, bacon, and turkey, mixed with cheese and put in crescent rolls? Don't worry you healthnuts -- I put in some broccoli and onion, too :) Here's the other layout I made with the recipe:
Don't you wish you made this for dinner? Go to the store and make it tomorrow! You'll love it, too! |
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