
February 7

Before I did anything else this morning, I exercised. Woo hoo! Way to start of the day :) Nothing like sweating a little (okay, a lot!) to get your energy level up and help you be ready to face the day. I started out with Denise Austin's Boot Camp, which lasted about 10 minutes, when I could already feel my muscles start to ache. Pathetic I know. On to the old standby, Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. I really love how simple that workout is, especially for someone like me who gets winded going up my own stairs. (Only like 13 steps!)

I am going to try to post my daily food journal so that I have a record to refer back to, so feel free to skip over this part  if you are still reading and are completely uninterested :) I will not be offended :)

Breakfast: 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese (2 pts.) 1/2 banana
Lunch: Soup made from Spring Salad Mix lettuces, Mushrooms and Onion & chicken broth
1 cup Raw Mixed Vegetables with 2 T. Ranch Dip (2 pts.)
Treat: 22 Gummy Bears (5 points)
Dinner: Birds Eye Voila Meal - Chicken Parmesan 1 cup (6 pts)
Sauteed Zucchini, Cherry Tomatoes, Onions and Mushrooms with butter & steak sauce (8 pts)
Dessert: 1/4 cup Plain M&M's (6 points)

Okay, so, I know that 11 points were for complete junk, but I did drink all of my water for today, and ate all 5 servings of fruit & veggies. I think this new plan is awesome since I get the same amount of points that I used to get when I was nursing :) I am a little concerned that I will not be able to lose any weight because of that, too. And 49 extra points? WOW! Looking forward to eating those points. I should save them for Shark Fin!

Today's pic of the day is of my fruit and veggie drawers :) I hope that these will be empty by the end of the week :) And I also hope that bag of M&M's is still almost full. haha!


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