Today was a rare and fabulous day! I got to sleep in, clean the house, catch up on laundry, managed to complete two days worth of schoolwork in one day (with no yelling or threatening involved) and made Taco Soup for my uncle and my parents :) I am feeling very accomplished today. I wonder if it may have had anything to do with only having the twins here with me from 4:00 on, and a hubby who had to work late. So peaceful and quiet, definitely not the norm. It was great and I enjoyed it completely. Now, if only I could talk the inlaws into keeping the older ones every week...A girl can dream, right? haha!
When I realized that I had been so lost in my peace and quiet that I forgot to take any pictures, I grabbed my camera and gave the babies a sucker. They were so happy to get these! It was an adorable, sticky sweet mess :) They mainly sat on the rug in front of the refrigerator and talked to me in the baby jibberish while I was catching up on my favorite blogs. Love their blue eyes!
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