
January 20

Organized Chaos. That's my dream. And since I am all about making my dreams come true, the nanny and I spent some time together today trying to hash out a plan to organize the chaos that is my daily life. I felt like I had the real SuperNanny here with all the talk of schedules and charts and time management and meal planning. I may need more than one helper :) haha! Just how did the Duggars ever do it when their kids were little and not able to help out? Oh well. Monday's a new day with a new plan. Instead of my usual "What would you like to eat for lunch today?", which is usually followed by Kalyn offering a healthy suggestion and the boys' groaning and looks of disgust, we now have a menu. If you don't want what's on the menu, you may choose not to eat until the next meal is offered. Say I am not the only one! Please?! We also have designated outside activities and scheduled school work times. If this works, it could actually be amazing! She talked to all of the kids about expectations for behavior, too. We decided on a one-time warning, followed by timeout, and then by a spanking by the appropriate parent when necessary. When this new discipline plan became necessary for Kalyn, and she was sent to timeout, she was begging for a spanking! She said timeout was for babies and she'd rather get a spanking so it could just be over with. Ummm, no, thank you, timeout is exactly what you need. Off to the bathroom since you so generously reminded me that you could play in your bedroom. Maybe this is going to be easier after all! Because so far, my plan to not have a plan (so that I don't get disappointed when things don't go according to plan) hasn't been working all that great for me either. I feel like I am all over the place and constantly moving from one disaster area to the next. So what do you do when life's stressing you out? Me, I turn to chocolate. Sixlets are my fave right now. See what kind of damage I did today below. And yes, that is a 13 serving container (which I plan to finish off after posting today's blog) and no mommy is not sharing her special candy so don't bother to ask.


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