What a great day this has turned out to be! When Jonathan came home from work, I was just finishing up my post with the layout of the twins bathtime. He asked me to go pick something up at my mom & dad's house for him. I left all the kids with him, and savored the ride across town. I blared the radio and sang along with every song that I knew. It was so nice to get away from the chaos that makes my daily life every once in a while. When I got to my mom's house, she had dinner made. It was still hot, and there were plenty of leftovers so I made a plate. Well, two plates actually...but who's counting anyways? I visited with them a bit, and then decided to do a little shopping on my way home. Of course, Joann's was was the first stop. I haven't been there in over a month or more I bet. I walked up and down every aisle of the scrapbooking section twice, and once through every part of the fabric department. Believe it or not, I didn't find anything that I felt as though I had to have. I guess that's a good thing since I went to Ross afterward. I found a new rug for my living room. It's awesome! A fuzzy frieze carpet with ZEBRA print. Woohoo! Don't you know ZEBRA is my favorite color? I had to have it. And I must say it looks pretty good in my living room. My final stop was Publix, where I was supposed to return a movie that we picked up for the kids two days ago...they never finished watching it so they asked me to rent it again, and while I was there I couldn't help myself from picking up two more for me and Jonathan. Summer TV sucks! So I watched Valentine's Day, all by myself, while I worked on the layout featured here in my post. Two layouts in one day...Watch out now :) I am about to be back!
The layout was made using Crystal Wilkerson's rounded corner templates and Carina Gardner's Very Cherry Kit. If any of my readers need more details than that, let me know :)
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