Last night when we were heading to bed, Jonathan said he wanted to watch me make a layout in Photoshop. He is interested in how Photoshop works, and is glad that I am getting better at it. I don't yell (or curse) as frequently when the program does something I don't like because I have learned why and how to fix it. Finally! Well, I had no idea which pictures I wanted to use for my layout, so I asked him to pick. He wanted me to do some pics from our vacation to Dollywood this past April. We went with both of his sisters. Pigeon Forge is beautiful! We can't wait to go back. We went ahead and got season passes so that we could go back again this year. I used Crystal Wilkerson's rounded corner template for the right side of the spread and some random freebie template that I seriously altered for the left side. I used all of Crystal Wilkerson's papers and some random buttons from various kits. If you want any more details, leave me a comment.
I am hoping to make some more pages today, since Jonathan is taking the bigger kids to the inlaws this afternoon. I might get two posts in again today :)
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