Hopefully I can get back to my regular blogging schedule and life will settle down to as close to normal as I know it very soon. We had a tragic death in my family this past weekend with the funeral on Tuesday. I haven't been able to recover from all of the emotional stress, and I'm also playing catch up on laundry and housecleaning. My daughter turned 7 years old today, and we had a party for just family at my house last night. Her best friend and two cousins had a sleepover here after the party. Anyway, I just wanted to share a simple project that Kalyn and I made together for her party. She is a very complicated little girl but likes things very simple when it comes to scrapbooking. She picked out 4 solid colors of cardstock and I got the cricut chirping out some birthday cuts. We used Doodlecharms for the cupcake, birthday present, ice cream cone, and party hats. We used Alphalicious to cut out the balloons and Happy Birthday Kalyn. She wanted to help me make the entire thing, and being she's ten times the perfectionist I ever thought of being, I knew I needed to keep it simple. We embellished some of the cuts with puffy glitter from Crayola and used ATG tape to each peice to the bamboo skewers. I poked them into a small glass container full of gum balls.
The pictures aren't great, but you get the idea. She was really proud of herself for making them from start to finish. Everyone at the party loved the gumballs too! Hope you like it! I will share more soon so keep checking back!

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